Catching up on the Inbetween- The Off Season

03/17/2014 16:02

March 2014-

Hello.  Its been awhile since my last blog!  But for good reasons!  As many of you know and some embrace, the life of an athlete gets out of control busy.  Sometimes it's good to step back for a bit, reflect, breathe, reconnect with what really matters, and catch up with life...

And with that said, just want to share some photos from adventures in life, love and happiness from the past off season...

Playing slipper skipper for the sunset cruise..

Reaching for the sun..

Lots of evening beach time (Big Sur).

Finding beauty in the open seas (Cardiff Reef)...

Life is better on the water...

Escaping into reality..

Set yourself free please..

Introducing Megan Monroe...

Running trails...

Celebrating Halloween properly...

Discovering rock climbing..

Beach cruises...

Group paddles are good...

New views are good too...

Reuniting with lifeguards, a "job" I miss dearly...

Triathlon Practice...

Making a splash into the bay...

You never know what to expect riding in the mountains..

Taking a minute mid-run to absorb the sunset.

Paddle boarding has grabbed my heart....

And so have weekend escapes..

Surround yourself with only love..


Letting the light shine through.  Big Sur.

Life in a pink helmet..

Always exciting when a new pool opens.. Grand opening night..

100 by 100yds swim workout completed with my favorite swim kids..

Always cater to the princess..

You only live once.  Make the most of the ride and appreciate every second of it.


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